New Modo pricing, to “accelerate” EV use, starts tomorrow

Starting tomorrow (1st January 2025), Modo members will have to pay a little more to drive an ICE car rather than an EV. Under changes to Modo’s “Innovation Fee”, announced by new CEO Sandra Philips at the beginning of this month, gas-powered or hybrid cars will incur a fee of $3 per trip, while the … Read more

In a battle between car versus transit “both” could be best option for saving time and money

Modo car in car share parking space at UBC turf

Getting around Vancouver without a car is getting easier these days for our family of four. We have our car share memberships – Modo and Evo – to fall back on, but generally our lifestyles remain happily car lite. We have good access to the city’s network of cycleways and we live near a couple … Read more

Home is a 40-foot School Bus

Barb the bus in East Van

This is a project for which I have footage going back several years. This East Vancouver neighbourhood has seen big changes in recent years as older houses are torn down and replaced with McMansions and laneway houses. The story provides a window into the stresses being felt by ordinary families by the affordable housing crisis. … Read more

Epic Kid Tricycle Video Background

Tricycling out of Vancouver

Ever since they have had the neck muscles to hold their cranium above their shoulders our kids have been on human-powered wheels: on seats on the back of our bikes, in bike trailers, on scooters, pedal bikes, roller blades, skateboards, and tricycles. (Article continues below video) One big reason why we never became a car … Read more